

Mikołaj Cichocki, Damian Granosik, Kristof Kurmai, Daniel Solovyev,
Lucie Kohákova, Anna Sidlovska, Ksenia Nikitina, Amal Al-Shahari, Agnieszka Pluszczewicz

Dawid Majewski 

Cieszyn is a medieval town in Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. It is one of the principal border
crossing points between Poland and Czech Republic. The town on the other side of the river
Olza (which forms the border between the two countries) is called Český Těšín. Both towns
were Cieszyn until they were divided by a Versailles Treaty change in borders in 1920.

Our location was a charming green headland on the edge of the square of partnering Towns
by which the Puńcówka stream flows into Olza. This is a place known to few, its users value
it for lush vegetation, wonderful views of both banks of the Olza, the sunshine or for the
direct, easy contact with the river, which is so rare on the Polish side of the border.
Our main goal was to revive the whole place and thus mediate more people. Therefore, from
the very beginning we decided to focus on creating an object that will be visible from both
sides of the rivers and from the bridge that leads over the cape.
We want to attract more people to this magical place, because many locals do not even
know that this promontory is freely accessible.
As it is one of the few places suitable for surfing in the water, we wanted to maintain free
access to the full tip of the country, but at the same time we added several other features.
One of the fundamental added values is the creation of a so-called megaphone, or an image
that allows us to pause and just listen. Listen to the beautiful sound of nature, two stormy
rivers in the middle of the city. Thanks to this, one feels much more connected with the
wildness of the local nature.

The wooden corridor, like this whole area, leads on the border of Poland and the Czech
Republic in several directions. It is a kind of crossroads, where one chooses the meaning he
wants to involve. When he goes straight, he gets wet in the cool river Olza. When he turns
left, he can sit on the edge and watch and listen to the river at the same time. Or he can stop
in the middle and just watch the sky, between the wooden structure.
Our object is an element in interspace. It is a frame and at the same time an image
connecting several sensory perceptions. Be part of the picture.
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